Note: This page was last updated Mar 11, 2025.
Dates: JUNE 13-15, 2025
Event: Pickleball – Singles, Doubles, and Mixed Doubles
2025 Venue Location: Cabot, AR. at the HUGE VENUE called:
300 Champions Drive, Cabot, AR 72023
Registration is now open for 2025 PICKLEBALL
* NOTE: 2025 is NOT a qualifying year for Nationals.
Skill Levels: Our plans are to divide into age groups and skill levels.
We are hopeful to split into 3 skill level divisions within each age group. (example 3.0 and under, 3.01 to 3.99, and 4.0 and up)
This is dependent on numbers of entries in each age group. Players will be divided into skill divisions after registration closes.
Age/Skill doubles and mixed doubles will be determined by the higher skill player and the lower aged player as of 12/31/2025.
- ALL athletes are welcomed to enter, from ANY state.
- The AR state coordinator or Tournament Director has the ability to divide the skills ratings into THREE divisions or LESS (Division I, II, III).
- If our Tournament does not have enough athletes in an age/skill division, the athlete would move up or down depending on the numbers in each group at the discretion of the Tournament Director.
- NSGA suggests taking registrations into each Pickleball event (Singles, Doubles & Mixed Doubles); rather than registering into skill divisions within each age group. Then AFTER registration closes, we plan to divide the registrants from each age group into skill divisions as needed.
- During registration be sure include your rating.
- Registrants will be divided into age group and then into skill divisions after registration closes.
- For example (based on the number of registrants in an age group): One age group in Men’s Doubles may need only 2 skill divisions with Division 1 consisting of 5.0, 4.5 and 4.0 rated players and Division 2 consisting of 3.5 & below rated players. Another Men’s Doubles age group may have more registrants and need 3 skill divisions with Division 1 consisting of 5.0 and 4.5 rated players; Division 2 consisting of 4.0 and 3.5 rated players; and Division 3 consisting of 3.0 & under rated players.
- Dividing the registrants into the skill divisions AFTER registration closes will likely help prevent a 5.0 player (who belongs in the most competitive skill division) from registering for a lower skill division because the player wants to make sure they qualify for Nationals. State coordinators and/or tournament directors can review the number of registrants in an age group, consider player ratings, create skill divisions, place athletes in appropriate skill divisions to create competitive brackets rather than being limited by pre-determined age/skill divisions.
We need sponsors, donors and volunteers for our 2025 Pickleball tournament. If you can help, please contact Greg @ 501-321-1441. __________________________ |
Notes: | The Director reserves the right to adjust events and times of all matches, as all brackets will not be known until registration closes.
Event schedule : Friday: Men’s DOUBLES and Women’s SINGLES.
Tournament Indoor Balls: |
Equipment: | Bring Your Own Paddle |
Booking Link: coming soon
______________________________________ THANK YOU to our SPONSORS and PARTNERS:UAMS Health Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine